Awareness of Resistance & The Power Within

We've all experienced that inner voice whispering doubts, the urge to procrastinate, the sudden roadblocks that appear when we set out to achieve something. This, my friend, is resistance. Resistance can manifest in many ways. It might be the snooze button you hit every morning, the unfinished project gathering dust on your desk, or the voice telling you "You can't do this" or even “You can do it later.” While this is frustrating, becoming aware of and understanding resistance is the first step to overcoming it and achieving your full potential.

Why Do We Resist?

Resistance often stems from a primal fear of the unknown. Stepping outside our comfort zones can be scary, even when we know the potential rewards. We might fear failure, judgment, or simply the effort required for change.

Here are some common reasons for resistance:

  • Fear of Failure: What if we put in all the effort and it doesn't work out?

  • Fear of Change: We might resist the unfamiliar and cling to what's comfortable.

  • Perfectionism: It can lead to procrastination and a sense of never being "good enough."

  • Lack of Clarity: Without a clear goal or vision, it's easy to feel lost and unmotivated.

Recognizing Resistance

The journey to overcoming resistance starts with becoming aware of its presence. It can manifest in various ways, subtly sabotaging your progress.  

Do you push deadlines and put off important tasks until the last minute? This classic avoidance tactic, procrastination, is a strong indicator of resistance at play. 

Perhaps a nagging voice in your head whispers doubts and negativity? That's resistance too, in the form of your inner critic. Pay attention to your self-talk – is it empowering you or hindering your progress? 

We're all adept at crafting excuses, but these are often ways to avoid taking action and stepping outside our comfort zone. Recognize when your own excuses are holding you back from pursuing your goals. 

Finally, feeling completely overwhelmed by a task can be a clever way to avoid starting it altogether. If a project seems insurmountable, break it down into manageable steps and tackle them one at a time. 

A Story of My Resistance

The idea for my online course had been floating around for months. Each time I sat down to film a video lesson, a wave of resistance would crash over me. Was the content any good? Would anyone even find it valuable? Self-doubt, masquerading as a helpful advisor, whispered these insecurities in my ear.

One day, fed up with the stalemate, I acknowledged the resistance. Taking a deep breath, I wrote down the fear: "Fear of judgment."  Then I challenged it – what was the worst that could happen? People might not resonate with the course, sure. But what if it helped a few individuals get close to their higher self?

Suddenly, the resistance felt less like a brick wall and more like a hurdle. With a newfound perspective, I made a mini-plan. I wouldn't film a whole module at once, just a short introductory video. Just one small step forward. And guess what? I filmed the video. And the next day, I drafted the outline for another. Slowly, the resistance began to lose its power, replaced by the excitement of sharing my knowledge.

The course is still under development, but the awareness of resistance changed everything. It taught me that resistance is a natural part of the creative process, but it doesn't have to control the narrative. 

Overcoming Resistance

One of the most powerful strategies for overcoming resistance is reframing your mindset. Here's a quick 4-step exercise to help you do just that:

Step 1: Catch It: Notice when resistance pops up. Is it procrastination, self-doubt, or feeling overwhelmed?

Step 2: Fear Check: What fear might be driving this resistance? Fear of failure, judgment, or the unknown?

Step 3: Reframe & Challenge:  Rephrase resistance as a challenge – a chance to grow!  Challenge the fear – what's the worst-case scenario, and how likely is it?

Step 4: Visualize success. What would it look like to overcome this? Make a mini-plan. Write down 1-2 small steps to move forward.

Ultimately, the power to overcome resistance lies within YOU!

Remember, growth and change are inevitable. By embracing the power within, you can use the awareness of resistance as a springboard to get you closer to your higher self.