How to Continue Your Retreat Into The Holiday Season

Woman holding a red christmas bauble

You are on the way to turning your life into a retreat (extending the post-retreat bliss into your everyday life) but what happens when things get intense? Like right now during the holiday season? Recreating that state of bliss within ourselves may seem impossible as we get overwhelmed by an avalanche of responsibilities. However, what if turning our lives into a perpetual retreat is not just a one-time decision but a constant process? In this blog post, we’ll explore how to extend the post-retreat bliss into everyday life, especially during stressful times like the holiday season.

A Personal Transformation

During the holiday season, I used to have a lot of anxiety about everything being perfect. Hosting a party for 20+ people, planning a scavenger hunt (an annual tradition in my family), and of course getting the perfect gift for everyone.

This year I don’t feel any of that and when feelings of scarcity come up (like “I hope my daughters won’t be disappointed.”), I feel the feeling and then let it go. For me deciding to be on retreat is a constant choice and constant commitment and it all starts with self-awareness and surrendering to my emotions.

The Constant Surrender Process

Life as a retreat involves a continuous process, a daily choice to start each day from a place of serenity. It goes beyond a mere decision; it's about repeatedly choosing at a deeper level, questioning, "Whose life is this anyway?" Amid the hustle and bustle, remembering this question becomes a mantra for navigating the chaos.

Navigating Intensity and Stress

During intense moments, particularly during the holiday season, self-awareness becomes essential. The reminder that you are on your retreat prompts a process of becoming aware and surrendering to your emotions. Emotions, being the architects of our thoughts and reality, demand attention. In the rush of the holidays, taking a pause becomes pivotal, a conscious effort to avoid being swept away by external demands.

The Emotional Landscape

When emotions surge and we feel triggered typical reactions include seeking external validation or bottling our feelings up. Pushing through difficult stressful times has become a batch of honor in our society. But not acknowledging and processing our feelings comes at a high price to our mental health.

Becoming the Creator

Triggers often cloud your ability to identify your feelings. The practice of naming and releasing emotions becomes a powerful tool, a gateway to transformation.

Surrendering to emotions changes your thinking and, consequently, alters the external world around you. It opens space for creativity and self-empowerment. AND the heightened awareness allows you to navigate challenges with a newfound sense of control.

Continuing Your Retreat into the Holiday Season

Extending your retreat into the holiday season is a simple yet profound process:

  1. Become Aware of Your Feelings: Acknowledge your emotions. Understand that feelings are not wrong; they are simply signals.

  2. Surrender to Your Feelings: Allow your emotions to pass through you without judgment. Surrendering to them is not a sign of weakness but of resilience.

  3. Let Go Through Commitment and Intention: Set an intention to release the emotions that no longer serve you. Make a conscious commitment to let go and move forward.

Turning your life into a retreat is not a destination but a journey of constant choice and commitment. As the holiday season approaches, the power to decide, become aware, acknowledge, surrender, and let go remains in YOUR hands. By navigating the emotional landscape consciously, you can transform the holiday chaos into what it is intended to be a celebration of peace, joy, and love.