Is Your Intuition Telling You The Truth?

In decision-making and life in general, intuition often takes center stage. However, our internal compass is only sometimes reliable, as our ego, fears, and anxieties can cast a cloud over our intuition. So, how and when do we know “if our intuition” is telling us the truth? In this blog, we explore how our unconscious tendencies can lead us astray and provide insights into reclaiming the authenticity of our intuition.

My Broken Antenna

This week, while on an 8-hour flight, I found myself at a crossroads, seeking a sign from the universe for a tough business decision looming over me. Little did I know, the journey ahead would unfold a profound lesson. 

Upon arrival, I rented a truck to help my daughter with her move. Late at night after a long day of traveling and moving her things, exhaustion hit hard. Leaving the condo parking garage, fate took a turn: The rental truck hit the ceiling of the ramp, scratched the roof, and the truck’s antenna was ripped off. Upset, fatigued, and irritated by the parking garage attendant who was just laughing, I questioned the universe. Was this a mere accident, or a metaphorical message from the universe? 

Reflecting on the broken antenna, a realization struck like lightning. Perhaps, it wasn't just a truck's antenna that had been severed; maybe my intuitive antenna had been damaged for a while. Or, I just hadn't been attuned to my inner voice, ignoring the signals that could guide me.

While pondering, desperately seeking answers to my business decision, I failed to recognize that the solution had been right in front of me.

So, what happened here?

The Ego's Deceptive Dance

We need to understand the ego's intricate influence on decision-making. The ego, driven by self-preservation and social validation, tends to prioritize its agenda over the deeper insights of intuition. It thrives on control and external validation, often steering us away from decisions rooted in authenticity.

Examples of Ego-Driven Decisions:

  • Seeking approval to validate choices

  • Suppressing intuitive nudges to conform to societal norms or other patterns

  • Procrastination

  • Staying in one's comfort zone

  • Avoiding conflict

  • Clinging to the “wrong” relationships 

Unveiling the Layers: Fear and Anxiety

Fear and anxiety, like shadowy figures in the background, further complicate our intuition. They can cloud our judgment, distorting the signals that our intuitive self attempts to communicate. By acknowledging and dissecting these anxieties, we can gain a clearer understanding of their impact on our decision-making.

Common Anxieties:

  • Fear of failure

  • Fear of judgment or rejection

  • Fear of not being enough

  • Anxiety about the unknown

Listening to the Deeper Truth: Tuning into Our Gut

Amidst the chaos of ego, fear, and anxiety, our gut serves as a beacon of truth. Recognizing the difference between ego-driven impulses and genuine intuition is key to unveiling the deeper truth. The gut feeling, often dismissed or overshadowed, holds the power to transcend the limitations imposed by fear and ego.

Try Cultivating Intuitive Awareness by:

  • Tuning into physical sensations in the body

  • Paying attention to spontaneous thoughts and insights

  • Trusting initial instincts before overthinking

Breaking Free: Strategies to Overcome Ego's Grip

Cultivating Self-Awareness

Developing self-awareness is the first step towards unraveling the ego's grip on our intuition. 

Here are some questions to reflect on:

  • What patterns do I notice in my decision-making?

  • How has seeking external validation influenced my choices?

Mindfulness and Meditation

Finding moments of stillness through mindfulness and meditation is essential. These practices help quiet the chatter of the ego, creating space for authentic intuition to emerge. By regularly incorporating these techniques, we open ourselves to a deeper connection with our intuitive selves.

Mindfulness Exercises:

  • Deep breathing to anchor in the present moment

  • Body scan meditation to release tension and ego-driven thoughts

Seeking External Perspectives - Not Approval

Sometimes, an external perspective can act as a mirror, reflecting insights that our ego may have obscured. Consulting with a trusted and objective friend or a coach can provide valuable perspectives, challenging our preconceptions and guiding us toward decisions aligned with our authentic selves. 

The Path to Authentic Intuition

Embracing vulnerability is part of the journey toward authentic intuition and our higher self. By acknowledging imperfections, learning from failure, and evolving, we cultivate a foundation for decision-making that transcends the constraints of the ego. 

As we navigate life, the influence of ego, fears, and anxieties cannot be underestimated. By unraveling these layers, embracing vulnerability, and employing mindfulness, we unlock the door to authentic intuition. Trusting our gut and making decisions aligned with our deeper truth become possibilities and a powerful reality. The journey is ongoing, but the destination promises clarity, authenticity, and a profound connection with our intuitive selves.