Opening Up to What Already Exists - My Session with Steve Hardison Part 2 - Week #44 of The Awakening Journey

In the weeks and months leading up to working with Steve, one thing stuck out above all else that was happening in my life. I’m not sure how to explain it exactly, but I’m going to give it a try so you can continue to experience this “wild ride” with me. It was as if, by committing and finalizing the details of our ‘Being With’ coaching session, I got what I needed before even showing up for the session. I felt different, and I was showing up differently.

As if, all of the sudden, I was supercharged. Like my dimmer switch went up by 100%. My practices were stronger, my awareness clearer, and my clarity more grounded and certain. Clarity about what. Honestly? Everything: My businesses, my relationships, and my purpose in life. I felt more anchored to the world.


Prior to my trip to Arizona, in one phone conversation, I said to Steve, “it’s strange, it’s as if we’ve already had the session and I’ve gotten the learning: I don’t need a ‘being with’ session with you (Steve). I need to “be with” me. I was opening up even further to what already exists (within me). Potential energy. Limitlessness.  By believing and investing in myself, I unleashed that potential energy.


I want to tell you a little story…

During my walk with my weekly spiritual group on the trails near my home, we came upon a tiny injured animal in the middle of the path. It couldn’t have been more than three or four inches long. 


I noticed another group of 8 walked right past this abandoned creature. Later, this group said some were afraid it might have rabies, that it would bite, or they weren’t sure what to do with it, or how to care for it.


I’ll be completely honest with you, even I, having a background as a farm girl still had conditioning in my mind, and still questioned the wisdom of touching a wild creature. I won’t lie, when it tried to open its mouth, the thought “is it trying to bite” went through my mind. 


No, it was crying for its’ mama, my Higher Self screamed!  I am still embarrassed by that reactionary thought that this helpless baby might have posed a threat to me. It’s ridiculous when I think back on it now. 


I held that possum for three hours, during the walk back to the house, during our spiritual meeting, and during the drive to the possum rescue in Fort Worth. When we finally arrived at the rescue, I didn’t want to let her go.

So many aha’s landed for me that day and continue to land, I cannot begin to list them all for you.


I will share a few ahas from the bigger arc

  1. By leveling up on commitment to self & life, something opens up: an awareness of our place in life.

  2. When we embrace that place in life & honor living creatures & authentic love, life opens further to and for me and for you!

  3. When I stop creating fear, the judgments decrease by 90%. The Voice of Judgement has almost completely ceased.


More to come on what is being created in my external world next time. For now, remember this, I am the possum lying on the road, and so are you. We all are. 


Here’s the thing: we are here to pick ourselves up, elevate, hold, and nurture ourselves and ultimately evolve as human beings. And, we are here to pick each other up and nurture one another. With love.


And remember, this isn’t about me. This is about YOU. It’s about all of us. It’s about our collective and shared humanity.


Here is a challenge for the week: Commit to Creating your Life

This could look tactical and tangible. For example, if you have dreamed of starting a new business, create a business plan, sign up for LLC, or hire someone to create your website.

Or, this could be a personal internal commitment to yourself.  It could be about living your truth, living your purpose, and creating impact in only the way that YOU were meant to.