Transcend The Superficiality of Affirmations and Uncover Your True "I Am"

Man standing with open arms at beach during sunset

Have you ever heard “I am" phrases used as a form of positive self-affirmation? It's a common practice in the world of personal development and positive thinking. However, in this blog post, we're going to delve deeper into the concept of "I Am" and explore how it's more than just a feel-good phrase. Your "I Am" is not an affirmation; it is not merely a tool for psyching yourself into a better state of mind. Your "I Am" is something profound, something sacred, something that is literally forged in the fires of your struggles and your challenges. It's the championing of your true self, the diamond at the end of the coal mine, a treasure you've diligently mined for throughout your entire life without even realizing it.

The Origin of "I Am" 

The phrase "I Am" has gained popularity in self-help and personal development circles, often used as a way to boost self-confidence and cultivate a positive mindset. However, this simplistic usage falls short of capturing the depth and authenticity of one's true identity. Your "I Am" is not something you can merely create or recite as an affirmation. It goes much deeper than that, and it is intimately tied to the life you've lived up until this very moment.

What is your “I Am”

Your "I Am" is forged in the crucible of your life’s experiences. Think of it as a piece of steel that has been subjected to intense heat and pressure, gradually becoming stronger and more resilient. Your life's challenges and struggles are the furnace in which your "I Am" is shaped. It's through adversity that you discover your true self and gain a deeper understanding of your capabilities.

Imagine your "I Am" as the diamond at the end of a coal mine that has crystalized over millions of years from carbon to this breathtaking work of art. It symbolizes the rewards of perseverance, determination, and unwavering belief in yourself. The process of mining for your true identity is not easy; it requires effort, dedication, and sometimes even blood, sweat, and tears. However, it is in this struggle that your "I Am" becomes a shining beacon of your authentic self.

Beyond Affirmations 

While positive affirmations have their place, they often scratch the surface of our true identity. Your "I Am" transcends the superficiality of affirmations. It's not a quick fix or a temporary mood booster. Instead, it's a deep understanding of who you are at your core, shaped by the experiences that have molded you. And this shines light on what you are capable of.

To truly integrate your authentic "I Am" into your self-improvement journey, it's essential to recognize that it's not something you create but something you unveil through self-discovery and growth. Embrace the depth of your identity beyond mere words and slogans.

What Lies Behind The Power of Your “I Am”?

The power behind your "I Am" lies in its profound impact on your self-identity, mindset, and behavior. But more than that, it’s essence has the power to shift you into a state of being that rewires your capability far beyond your belief. It goes beyond mere words and affirmations; it is deeply rooted in psychology and human nature. 

Here are some key aspects of the power behind your deepest "I Am":

  • When you consistently use your "I Am" statements, you reinforce a positive self-identity, which can boost your confidence and resilience.

  • Neuroplasticity: The brain is adaptable and can rewire itself based on experiences and thoughts. Your "I Am" statement can trigger neural pathways associated with confidence, motivation, and success. 

  • Your "I Am" can influence your emotional state. It can promote emotional well-being by fostering optimism and a sense of self-efficacy.

  • When you see yourself as someone who perseveres, overcomes challenges, and achieves goals, setbacks become temporary obstacles rather than insurmountable barriers.

  • Your "I Am" not only affects your self-perception but also influences how others perceive you. Your "I Am" statements can impact your social interactions, relationships, and professional opportunities.

I could go on with this list, but I think this is a good glimpse into the power behind your deepest “I Am”.

My “I Ams” have shifted everything in my life. I would not be where I am professionally, personally and spiritually without my “I Ams”. They have served me with smaller challenges like the shark dive (read more about this experience here) but also with big ones like creating a new business (Ananda Hideaway) from scratch.

Now it’s your turn…

Your Challenge

Your "I Am" is not just a concept or a catchy phrase; it is the very fabric of your existence. It represents your essence, your beingness, and even your divinity. It's the result of a lifetime of experiences, challenges, and triumphs.

  1. Take a moment to reflect on your journey. Consider 5 major trials and tribulations you've faced in your life. Write them down.

  2. What did you learn from them? Go deep.

  3. Who are you now as a direct result of the above? How are you being different in the world? Write it down.

  4. Take the above and play with a statement that you can feel in your bones. Do you sense a shift within when you proclaim this? Then you know you are at the beginning of bringing awareness and practicing your true “I am”.

  5. In daily life use your "I Am" as a testament to your strength and resilience. Practice it every morning. Embrace it with pride and gratitude. Embrace it as your true self. 

So, dig deep, uncover your true self, and let your "I Am" shine brightly in all that you do.