Give Yourself The Gift of Working More Present

Working more present

In today's fast-paced world, the pressure to work harder and smarter to achieve more success can often feel overwhelming. We're constantly bombarded with messages about optimizing our productivity, hustling and pushing ourselves to the limits. However, there is a hidden gem in the realm of productivity that many tend to overlook—the gift of working more present.

What does it mean to work more present?

For a long time, people believed in “work hard and you will get ahead.” And that is what they did. They busted their bums on their farms or in their craft. Then the Industrial Revolution hit and assembly lines seemingly modeled for us how to be more efficient. The end result was the “work smarter, not harder” mentality. 

In our time the (r)evolution of consciousness is arising and it’s time to work differently: we are meant to work more presently. 

Working more present goes beyond simply putting in more hours or trying to outsmart every challenge that comes our way. It's about cultivating a state of mind where we are fully engaged and focused on the task at hand, without being bogged down by distractions or worries about the future. When we work with presence, we tap into our natural creativity, problem-solving abilities, and the joy of the process itself.

The Pitfalls of Working Harder and Smarter

Working harder can lead to burnout and exhaustion. It may seem like a quick fix to push ourselves beyond our limits, but in the long run, it can have adverse effects on both our physical and mental well-being. On the other hand, solely relying on working smarter can create immense pressure to continuously find new strategies and solutions. This constant quest for optimization can become a source of stress, causing us to lose touch with the essence of our work.

The Benefits of Working More Present

When we work with presence, we unlock a myriad of benefits that can revolutionize our lives:

  1. Improved Focus and Concentration: By eliminating distractions and fully immersing ourselves in the task at hand, we can maintain laser-like focus and achieve higher levels of concentration.

  2. Enhanced Creativity and Problem-Solving Abilities: Presence allows us to access our creativity without limitations, leading to innovative ideas and solutions to challenges.

  3. Reduced Stress and More Energy: Being present at work helps us stay in the present moment, reducing stress and anxiety about future outcomes. It also allows us to create a healthier work-life balance.

  4. Increased Job Satisfaction and Overall Well-Being: When we work more present, we find joy in the process of work itself, leading to higher satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment.

Overcoming The Most Common Challenges

Let’s explore practical strategies to sustain our commitment to working more present:

  1. Addressing Technology-Induced Distractions: Turn off your digital devices during focused work periods, pause notifications on your computer and consider using productivity apps that block distracting websites.

  2. Recenter Your Mind: When your focus is drifting off, take a moment, pause from your work and take a few deep breaths. Acknowledge your thoughts, write them down as a reminder. Then move on to the task at hand. 

  3. Dealing with High-Pressure Situations: Take short breaks to reset your mind during intense situations. Trust that your ability to work more present will lead to better outcomes than rushing through tasks under pressure.

  4. Managing Work Relationships: Encourage a culture of presence within your team, where members support and understand each other's need for more present work time. Also try to extend this to your partner, family and friends.

A Real-Life Success Story

I just started a new business and while it is wonderful and brings me a lot of joy and fulfillment, I find myself occasionally getting lost in either working hard or trying to work smarter, using a time management software,...” 

That’s when I have to reel myself back in. I stop and pause.

Don’t get me wrong I love the dopamine hit every time I check something off my project planning software and I see little confetti spread everywhere! 

But that’s not my goal. 

It’s how present I am while the work is happening that truly makes the difference, for the outcome but also for my personal experience and how I move forward. 

You see, when you are present, it no longer is work. It simply unfolds and the work does itself. You are putting forth minimal effort. Because effort would imply work and expending energy and that is NOT what we are talking about.

Your Challenge

Set aside five minutes each morning before diving into your tasks. 

Sit in a quiet space, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. 

Observe any thoughts or distractions without judgment, gently bringing your attention back to your breath. 

This brief mindfulness exercise will help you start your day with increased awareness and a centered mindset, priming you to work with presence throughout the day.


In a world that glorifies the hustle and constantly demands more, the gift of working present stands out as a powerful and sustainable approach to success. By nurturing our ability to be fully engaged in our work, we tap into our innate creativity, problem-solving skills, and sense of fulfillment. 

Let us remember that in the pursuit of success, the journey matters just as much as the destination. Give yourself the gift of working more present and unlock the true potential that lies within you.