Maximizing Wellness: Body, Mind, Spirit for Success and Bliss

By the time you're reading this, you may have been following along or you just been on your own journey of consciousness and self-development. What matters is that by now, you have some awareness of your experience, growth, and trajectory. One thing you will notice is that we haven't talked a lot about one aspect of our journey together…the physical.

When I say our journey, I also mean our journey together as human beings, we've got mind, body, and spirit that create this triangle, this trifecta of what makes us alive on this planet. 

We've got the mind and the emotion. We've got the spirit, the energy, the essence essentially. And then we've got the form, the physical, the body. 

As we move forward through 2024, we're going to begin by focusing on the form, the physicality. We're going to be opening this up with your fitness, your mental fitness, physical fitness, emotional fitness, and spiritual fitness. 

I'm not a doctor, I'm going to be speaking from my own experience, as I've spent a ton of time studying the spiritual, conscious, emotional, and mental aspects of our growth as human beings on this planet. 

We're going to kick it off with getting ‘fit’. I’m using this word, fit, intentionally. We've been focusing on the fitness of your consciousness, the fitness of your emotions, and the fitness of your spirit. 

So, I want to invite you to sit down and do a simple exercise. 

Assess yourself on a level of 1-10:

  1. Where do you feel like you're at with your mental and emotional fitness? 

  2. Where do you feel like you're at with your physical fitness? 

  3. Where do you feel like you're at with your spiritual fitness?

We're going to check in with this as we go throughout the year because we really want to know where you are at.  

Also, I want to leave you with going back and looking at where you want to be and where you are now, in your MIQs - the Most Important Questions. If you don’t know what I’m talking about you should check out my blog post here.