The Unseen Force of Self-Fueled Intentions

This week, let's dive into a topic that's all about tapping into your higher energy to supercharge your goals and bring them to life. We're talking about self-fueled intentions – the game-changer you might be missing in your goal-setting journey. Let's start by peeling back the layers of goal creation and understanding what truly matters to you:

The Heart of Your Goal Creation

1. Who you are being?

Ever set a goal and felt like you were pushing through quicksand? It happens to the best of us. The first key is to check in on who you are when you're creating those goals. Are you letting your inner achiever take the lead, or are you embracing the dynamic duo of your creative and logical minds?

When I’ve set a goal purely from my logical brain, the striving, the doing, and the hard work, it doesn't feel as resonant. Sometimes it gets achieved, but more often it doesn't. And when I look back afterward, it feels… empty.

2. Where are you being?

Goals – are they the destination or just pit stops on the road to something greater? Let's break it down. Are you after an end goal, something you want at the finish line, or are your goals stepping stones, the means to an even bigger purpose? Let me throw a scenario at you. 

Let’s say you want to make more money – cool. But why? Dive deeper. Maybe it's not just about the cash; It’s about getting a bigger house, but it’s not just that. It's about that big, warm home where your grandkids will someday create memories. 

See, that's an end goal – it feels different, and resonates differently. It's not just about the money; it's about the vibe, the love, and the experiences. 

So, where are your goals leading you?

3. Feel the Vibes, Set the Goals

When you're sketching out those goals, pay attention to how you feel in the process. Are you radiating joy, or does it feel more like a chore? Your vibes matter because they're what you attract. It's like walking into a room in a bad mood – grumpy vibes draw grumpy folks, while joy and energy bring in good times and opportunities.

Uncover Your Self-Fueled Intentions

Now, grab a pen and paper, clear your desk, and let's do a quick exercise:

Imagine a scenario where everything is stripped away from you. You have lost your home, your family and friends, all your money, all your possessions - literally everything.

You are homeless. I know this is painful but stay with me here. 

Now, ask yourself these questions:

  • What intentions would you set when all the noise is gone? 

  • What could you create? 

  • Who could you be? 

  • What could you intend? 

Take a moment to jot down a few things that truly matter to you.

For me, that would be Presence. I could be present. I could be grateful. I could have gratitude. I could live a life of love and just be loving to myself and other people. 

And there you have it! Self-fueled intentions, they are powerful because they remove all the bullshit, drama and meaningless things. They strip away fear. 

They are the missing link between setting goals and making them a reality. As you align your goals with your authentic self and infuse them with genuine intentions, you're not just chasing dreams; you're inviting them in with open arms. 

So, go ahead, try out this exercise, and let your self-fueled intentions guide you to the goals that truly matter.