How to 10x Your Life – Needing, Alchemized to Wanting

Ever felt caught between what you are supposed to need vs what you truly desire? You are not alone. In a world that often tells us to prioritize the needs of others, finding the courage to embrace our genuine wants can be a real challenge. This blog post is all about that journey from needing to wanting and then to creating. We're diving deep into the power of wanting – not the surface-level desires, but the ones that come from our core. 

Why Does Wanting Come in Second?

Many years ago, I believed that my desires, my wanting came second, if at all. Through school, family conditioning, society, etc. I had learned that good people take care of others and selfish people think of themselves. It’s easy to believe that as a parent or a leader in an organization. Your family and your team come first, right? 

But remember how one crucial safety protocol on airplanes is to put on your oxygen mask first before assisting others, especially children? This protocol emphasizes that true Self-Care is safety, and to do so is to be able to care for others effectively. It serves as a reminder that taking care of yourself first doesn't mean you are selfish; rather, it enables you to be in a position to assist others efficiently. 

And life is a lot like this. It’s okay to want and to act on it because it not only serves you, but also serves those around you.

Need is About Scarcity

Eventually, I learned to “need”. I needed to be loved. I needed money, I needed time but all of this pointed to scarcity. In the context of scarcity, needs are perceived as limited resources that must be acquired to fill a gap. This mindset reinforces the belief that there isn't enough to go around, creating a sense of competition and fear of not having what is necessary for a fulfilling life.

The Higher Truth

Wanting is something that comes from creation, it is the highest possible vibration in the universe. And it is this want, this desire that yearns to be ignited within you. To unlock your capacity for whatever it is you are here to uniquely create. 

Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? It is simple actually, though, not always an easy task on your consciousness journey! The power to that lies in tapping into your WANTS. Unearthing what you truly desire beyond the conditioning of the world or what you are supposed to want. Or what is mixed up with what you “need”. Letting go of all of that.

Getting in touch with want you truly deeply want. And then taking action on it. 

For example, I didn’t need to start a spiritual retreat center. I wanted to.  

Do a Little Soul Work This Week

Here are 2 actions you can take:

1. Make a list of something you need and next to it write down why you need it, what is underneath that? What fear?

A. Commit to surrendering to this fear, and accepting it is there. 

B. Ask yourself, what do I really want, what really wants to be created here?

2. At least 1x a day, stop yourself in your busy life and ask “What do I want right now?”  And then give yourself that thing. 

For me, that could look like stopping what I am doing right now and reading a book. For you that could mean going for a walk, buying yourself that trinket just because or calling a friend, or even leaving work early to go golfing.  

“Michelangelo didn’t need to carve David, he wanted to.”

What is your David?