Are You a Real or a Non-Player Character In Your Own Movie?

This week, you will learn how to treat yourself as a “Real Game Player” or RGP in your own movie of life, become the star of your own show and receive all the goodies during this game of play.

Meet Guy 

I recently saw a movie with Ryan Reynolds called Free Guy. In it, Guy (played by Ryan) is walking around in this game believing he is in real life and a real person. Yet, he is actually a Non-Player Character (NPC), an avatar created by the game designer.  

In the movie, Guy walks around every day doing the same things every day as chaos unfolds around him repeatedly. He smiles and looks the other way and does what he always has done the same automatic and pre-programmed ways of being.  

You can watch the trailer of the movie here.

Are you a Non-Player Character?

How often do you go through your daily life and at the end of the day, your actions and what you did was a blur? You have no idea what you ate for breakfast, not to mention that conversation you had with your spouse, our kid, or your colleague. You are on autopilot, operating like a computer, going through the motions to get by.

Recently, a teenager I was around made a comment about a person on the street, “that guy is an NPC”. I was intrigued and asked about this. She shared “my dad is kind of an NPC to me, he’s just my dad but doesn’t have a life outside of when he is around me.” While she was kidding around, the reality is we treat others like they are Non-Player Characters all the time!

You are watching your own movie of Life. You aren’t even a player in your own game! You are an NPC or a Non-Player Character. A Non-Player Character is not real, they are computer avatars playing against real characters in video games. They are programmed with a set of certain things to say and when you are not there, they don’t exist.  

We are treating each other as NPCs

This is how we are walking around in life. We treat others as NPCs and we are treating ourselves as such. We dehumanize others and act as if they are bit players in the game or the movie that we star in, not really being with them.  

This deteriorating cycle circles back on us until we are playing small in our own game, holding ourselves back, and holding others small.  

We rush through our days without even remembering what we are doing, treating everything and every one as if they were a task to complete. 

Why does this matter?

When we treat one another as such there is a detriment to the whole planet as we become transactional and only want to get our own needs met.   

Ultimately what we do out there is reflected back to us and we begin to treat ourselves like NPCs in our own life. 

This creates disharmony and a feeling of separation. And when we live in separation, we struggle and suffer.   

Pivoting Yourself to a Real Game Character

Real Game Characters or RGPs are the “real” people, the humans who enter into the game (of Life) and play. They are the stars of their own movies, the directors, and also the executive producers. 

Circling back to our movie example, Guy surprisingly begins to sense that everything is not as it seems. And I won’t spoil the movie if you haven’t seen it, but Guy believes and he becomes. 

Regardless of who Guy is, because he behaved in a certain way – the RGCs (humans) in the movie begin to see him in a different light and treat him as if he is more. As a result, Guy becomes instrumental in resolving the challenge the human RGPs face. 

Ultimately, this creates a different way of being and living in the world for all. 

And that is what we need to rediscover.

We are real, and we need to treat ourselves and others as such.  

This Week’s Challenge 

Treat someone else as if they are the RGP in your game, in your movie, in your life.

You can start with tech support, the waiter who took forever to bring you the menu, or someone you are in conflict with.

Pretend they are the most important person. How would you be with them?

Simple, but not easy. I promise, when you really treat someone as if they were the main character, YOUR life will shift. 

Next, we will talk about Overcoming Your Fear of Failure, in the meanwhile remember the present moment is where your best life happens.

With love, presence, and gratitude,
