The Speed of Love - Week #48 of The Awakening Journey

Have you ever signed up for, paid for something, and then realized the product wasn’t what you wanted or needed? But you felt obligated to see it through and so compensated by being “good”. You felt responsible to do the right thing without even slowing down to really consider what your speed was to get you in that particular situation.

My Story

At the beginning of this year, I signed up for a training course that was a significant investment for myself and my business. I quickly realized that while I had originally thought it was a program created from a balance of being and doing, the execution, and how it was delivered was mainly in the doing. 

The result when I would leave class was that I would feel a low level of background anxiety. And honestly, not the fun anxiety of excitement. While I was in the course with other participants, there was very much a hustle and a scarcity mindset. 

And yet, the person who runs this program is very successful in the world in all the ways we measure this in a left-brain world. 

For many months, I would force myself to go to the class and feel uncomfortable afterward but wasn’t trusting my truth -- this just wasn’t working for me. Instead, I would say “well, he is the expert and is extremely successful at what he does so I should be listening to him”.

As the months went on, I found myself somehow having conflicts on my calendar during this class time or found it just disappeared from my calendar. In retrospect, I can see that I was sabotaging myself for my greater truth. 

I heard a story about an incredible woman speaking on stage in London. Amy Hardison shared a story about Love. And what the Speed of Love is. She challenged everyone in the audience to Slow down to the Speed of Love. Her speech was so rousing, though I wasn’t even in the room and actually heard this story third hand, I felt this at my core. I even became a bit emotional. 

I had already spent a lot of time in stillness. I’ve always been “slow” in that I need more space to process. And while the gift of slowness is that it allows me to absorb something at a cellular level, for many years, my habit was to overcompensate and I would rush from thing to thing trying to achieve and prove I wasn’t slow.

My own coach challenged me to slow down even further. 

To Slow down to my Speed. 

Slowing down even further?


Slow down to the Speed of Love

What is the Speed of Love?

You will have to try it for yourself. For me, it is the absence of Fear. It is the space where creativity lives and ultimate self-love and world love. 

I gave myself permission to let go and really absorb what this challenge is at a core level. 

And I appreciate what it created for me: clarity on my path to living my greatest truths. 

The Truth: Slow is The New Fast

I know you might be chomping at the bit right now to get on to the next thing. Good. 

Then this is the exact moment to slow down. Breathe. 

When I slowed down to my own Speed, the Speed of Love - love of myself, love of life, I was so clear. It was like I felt the sky open and beautiful singing serenaded my ears. Slow is the new Fast. And Love is the speed that I choose to move at. 

With regards to the class I invested in: I forgave myself for spending the money. I stopped forcing myself to go to the classes. I haven’t looked back and other doors have opened up from that portal in the sky.

Multitasking = Dinosaurs

But what about getting things done? Doesn’t multitasking equal better employees, products, and efficiency? How do things get done?

New data shows that multitasking costs us billions a year in efficiency. It causes memory impairment and what was originally thought of as efficiency is that tasks only get a small percentage of our brain. For example, 10%, therefore their efficacy is also at 10% or sometimes even less.

So how do tasks get done?

They get done, just in a smoother way. Similar to the way the turtle in nature beats the hare. Just trust me here and really lean into this. 

How Does One Slow Down?

You create a personal internal commitment to bring this into your life. 

Honor yourself, whatever you are working on, and the person you are talking to by slowing down and being even more present than you ever thought you could be. 

Breathe. Feel your body. Listen to what is going on around you and inside of you. Feel what is not being said. Listen for what wants to be said outside of your thinking brain. 

This Week’s Challenge

Choose one whole day this week and create an intention to slow down to the speed of love. The speed of your true self. Create spaces in conversations and meetings where love, light, and creative energy can come through where before you might've filled the space with words. 

Just try it. What you will find is a shift in how you interface with the whole world and how the world interfaces with you.