Integration: Living Free of Fear & Seeing The Impact - My Session with Steve Hardison Part 4 - Week #46 of The Awakening Journey

Want to hear something sort of weird and bizarre? Every single day I have been waking up as if I am a different person. I know it sounds strange and I really can’t explain it to you but I’m going to try. It’s like my personal internal commitment collaborated with my subconscious and took over my body, my being. It feels as if someone else is driving. My subconsciousness has gotten behind the wheel of my metaphorical vehicle of Life. 


So in the morning, while my consciousness shifts from sleeping to waking, I actually hear my subconscious repeating My Document. Claiming who I AM. Then, as I come out of Theta brainwaves, it (my consciousness) repeats my special and specific affirmations. All this unfolds without one single thought. It feels like I’m watching a movie!  The impact this is having on me is a shift in consciousness. A deeper threshold for adventure and risk-taking. A sense of lightness and joy. And this feels like I am literally living the best life I could ever have, regardless of circumstances.  


For example, I recently had dinner with a group and the question was asked “what would you do if you had unlimited resources and knew you could not fail?”

I thought for some time and let my creativity loose. What would I do? I would do what I am doing now, on a much larger scale and in multiple other verticals. What this means is that I am living my biggest life Now through this integration. Or as close as I can get to that vision at this moment.

This is what I get. 

But what about what I’m giving?

What about the impact this is having on the world around me? Well, the people closest to me are giving me feedback that removing the illusion of even having a dimmer switch ignites and excites them to turn their own dimmer switch up. 

So how exactly do you integrate this into your life? What do you do to fully integrate and create?  

It’s very simple. First, you make a commitment to do so. Second, follow the challenge below.


Your Challenge

  1. Make a personal internal commitment to let go of fear, create and integrate. 

  2. Practice creating yourself. Write down 3 affirmations early in the morning. Read them to yourself every morning over the course of a week. After a week check back in, adjust or repeat them as you see fit. 

  3. Practice creating others in your life. Focus on what you want to see in a specific person before you even get to have a  conversation with them. Journal your fears and worries about the relationship and try to let go of them. Instead, focus on the points where you align and practice gratitude. Feel the shift when talking to them.

  4. Integrate more spaces and experiences in your life where you create yourself and others from a place of fearlessness and love.

Next, we will talk about Reaping The Rewards. Until then remember, the present moment is where your best life happens.

With love, presence, and gratitude,
