Reaping The Rewards - Week #47 of The Awakening Journey

For 47 weeks, we’ve been talking about leveling up for the sake of spiritual growth and impacting the world! But what about material rewards? Is it bad to want them? 

No! It isn’t bad at all. At some point, you are going to want to see real-life tangible rewards. In the form of money, relationships, better health, and fitness, perhaps a better career, or even influence. This is normal and natural. 

Here’s the thing, part of our awakening journey is reviewing our relationship or attachment to material things, including money. Many people have an unhealthy attachment to money and are either afraid they will never have it or when they do have it, they are afraid to lose it.   

This attachment to money is, at its’ core, a fear of “not enough”. This feeling of not enough is a common source fracture that is created somewhere in our past. And it, like most other fears, is also an illusion. 

The truth about Money, just like everything else in the world of matter, is that money is made of energy. And energy needs to be allowed to be in flow both in and out of our lives. 

So it is necessary to have an open channel, if you will, to encourage this flow to happen naturally. 

How do I create the flow of money?  

Get honest about what your fears are around money. Clear out the fear you’ve created & built up over time.  Remember that it is okay to have goals, but don’t get egoically attached to the outcome. Bring the word flow into your vocabulary and your life. 

When you stop negatively attaching to money, you can make money your friend and it will come into your life effortlessly. You wouldn’t be mad at a friend for leaving, would you?

You would simply be comforted in the fact that you had friends and would appreciate the experiences you shared. Apply this to your relationship with money.

Focus on being with others. Do good in the world. The money will come. Focus on where you do have enough and acknowledge that.  What you focus on, you will create more of. So when you focus on where you are abundant in life, you will create more of that. 


What will come from focusing on your spiritual journey and having a clean attachment to the flow of money as energy?

What riches and rewards will come in the form of spiritual growth as well as tangible material things?

Here’s as simple a story as I can tell you about myself: 

As I look back over the last 47 weeks and for me 47 years, I am shifted fundamentally.  Last year, I could not have imagined who I am today. When I let go into the flow, what comes is so much more than my strategic goal-oriented brain puts down on paper.  

I am shifted. I am. 

For you, what will come from focusing on the spiritual journey and remembering the flow of money as energy is, spiritually, a profound shift will take place. You will speak more of your truth and live in harmony with yourself and the world around you.  

You won’t recognize that person from years ago and even from those many weeks ago last year when we started this journey! 


Tangible and material-wise rewards!?

You will believe. You will stop hustling, your income will go up, and your connection with your partner and your children will be stronger.  You will feel committed to your long term vision with your family and for your business or career, and you will experience peace in your heart, as well as love coming from all directions.  

Powerful, tangible, relatable. 

It isn’t bad to want financial and monetary rewards. It’s normal and natural. And, money is a natural by-product of doing this work on this spiritual journey. 


What now?

Remember the bountifulness you have already created up until now.  

See, sometimes we forget to stop and check in. What was your life like last year just before we started this journey?

When we stop and remember where we were, we get ourselves into the flow, we raise our vibrational frequency and this creates more abundance for the future. 

So don’t take my word for it. Try it for yourself. 


This Week’s Challenge

Designate a notebook where you list your affirmations, acknowledgments, and accomplishments. 

Stop & sit quietly. Give yourself some time. Nothing is too small to put down. 

Talk to your family, your partner, and your boss and ask what have they seen change in the last 47 weeks.  

Write it down. Commit to keeping this book for the rest of the year and review it regularly. 

You will be shocked by this list once you allow yourself to be honest about what you’ve accomplished. 

And always remember that money is a by-product. Never get confused that when you surrender to your growth, abundance flows to you naturally and effortlessly.